Welcome to Beachmere
State School. I hope this website provides you with a glimpse of the range of
educational opportunities available at our school.
To experience the professional commitment and warmth of our school please
contact the school office to arrange an interview.
I am privileged to lead
a team of highly professional and caring staff who are committed to the
provision of a safe, nurturing school environment that supports students to
reach their potential and develop into active and productive members of
Our students are engaged
in a range of educational programs across the Australian Curriculum. We
also offer a large variety of extra-curricular activities such
as, Inter-School Sports, Instumental Music, Arts, Dance and Robotics Programs and
a well supported Community Garden Project.
Our parents and community are actively involved
in daily school life and school events
and we are very lucky to have a large number of volunteers from our local community who
support our school regularly.
We look forward to
welcoming you to our school.
Paul Thorpe
"To Soar with
Attitude, Effort & Respect